AOR Dr. Alexander Pütz Department of Business Administration and Finance
- Phone
- +49 221 470-4154
- Fax
- +49 221 470-3992
- Room
- 504, 5th floor
- Building
- 415
- Address
- Sibille-Hartmann-Straße 2-8 50969 Cologne
Office hours: By appointment at https://calendly.com/alexander_puetz
Main research
- Mutual funds
- Choosing two business degrees versus choosing one: What does it tell about mutual fund managers' investment behavior?
in: Journal of Business Research, Vol. 75 (2017), pp. 138-146 (with L. Andreu)
- The Valuation of Hedge Funds' Equity Positions
in: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 51 (2016), pp. 1013-1037 (with G. Cici and A. Kempf).
- Overconfidence among Professional Investors: Evidence from Mutual Fund Managers
in: Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Vol. 38 (2011), pp. 684-712 (with S. Ruenzi)
Lectures and exercises (recent courses)
- "Capital Market Theory" (Master, Lecture)
- "Fixed Income Management" (Master, Lecture and Exercise)
- "International Financial Management (Master, Lecture and Exercise)
- "Investition und Finanzierung" (Bachelor, Exercise)
- “Investment Management” (Bachelor, Lecture and Exercise)
Seminars (selected topics)
- "Anlagestrategien"
- "Empirische Analysen zur Performance von Fonds"
- "Financial Modeling in Excel"
- "Hedge Fonds - Fluch oder Segen"
- "Investorenverhalten"
- "Kapitalmarktanomalien"
- "Rätsel der Kapitalmarkttheorie"
- "Smart Beta Strategien"
Supervised Theses
A first overview of past thesis topics can be found here.
- Databases